Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The time has come

I have made the decsion to leave early and go back to Ohio. I'm leaving tomorrow (Wednesday Feb.21st) since Heather could really go anytime now. Since her Doctor's appointment is Thursday, I'll be there and can go with her so if the doctor makes the decsion to send her upstairs to delivery, she won't have to worry about me getting there and helping with things. This way also, I can take my time driving and won't feel rushed. I've been ticket free for many years now and accident free for nearly 4 years and I intend to do my best to keep it that way. I'm really liking where my insurance rates have dropped to and don't want to see that increase just because I was trying to rush to get back before I missed the delivery. Hopefully the baby doesn't change it's mind and decide to wait longer to come out. I'll try to get to the Library and use their computers to check in. More than likely Bob will post on here in my absense.

I just came home from getting all my laundry done and now it's time to finally get that suitcase packed. If all goes according to my plan, I'd like to be on the road no later than 9am. Traffic around here is horrible even when you ae going away from the DC area. That should get me back to Canton between 3 or 4pm. I'm hoping the Pennsylvania roads are all good and the ones in N.E. Ohio. I hate driving in snow and slushy stuff.

I might hop on here in the morning for a few minutes if I feel I have time. You all take care and I'll be sure to stop in when I can.


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